Itz auften ask'd,,,, wat iz tha best tranzlayshun tu get?
I wun day ro't a hebrew werld cherch leeder asking for a cumpleet torah, hee ro't mee bac and sed, tha onlee differense between tha bybolz iz tha tranzlayshun, and az i red that le'ter, tha holee spirit sed ," and wat waz "left untranzlayted". I waz flor'd.
Itz bin sed tha last 22 bookz uv tha torah waz ritten n greek and na't n hebrew.
Wat yu du na't no iz n tha greek alfabet, there iz "NO" letter "Y". That meen that book du na't & canna't cuntayn r hevenlee father nor r sayv'yorz tru naymz, wich meen that tranzlayshun iz "UNAUTHORIZED". Tha holee spirit did na't inspiyer en-nee wun tu ry't a torah that du naat cuntayn yhoah ehyeh or yshooah naym.
N tha hebrew ryting n tha hebrew tranzlayshun father yhoah sed himself n hebrew, aney yhoah hoo shmey. Tranzlayshun: I am yhoah tha naym.
This saym verse n tha greek tranzlayshun "DU NA'T" say yhoah, it sez " god, lord.
It can't say yhoah or yshooah becuz there iz no Y n tha greek tranzlayshun.
Father yhoah intends for his peepol tu lern his naym, ysha'yahoo 52:6.
tha peepol CANNA'T & WILL NA'T lern it frum tha greek tranzlayshun.
Nal yu see & wee pray yu understand tha greek tranzlayshun iz na't authorized by tha holee spirit.
Tha releese dayt uv yhoah ehyeh torah, TBA.
Yu can "nal" downlo'd tha jpeg file uv tha introducshun tu this 1st ever publish'd hebrew-english torah cuntayning tha "ONLEE" 2 untranzlayted naymz wich iz restor'd.
SOON yu will b aybol tu down lo'd tha cumpleet "Yhoah Ehyeh Torah" frum this site "ONLEE".
B shure tu chec bac ahften.