Tha 3 feest, Tha pas over- vayekra 23:4-8,14, Day uv atonement vayekra 18:29-31, Feest uv booths vayekra 23:33,39-43. " A lau for all time thru-alt tha ayjez. Amos 5:21- I spurn yor festivals, i'am na't a'peez'd" by yor solem asembleez. If yu selabrayt en-nee ha'la dayz that man may'd, then yu ar falo'ing tha tradish'shunz uv man .
wership iz laying prastrayt on yor fayse or neeling with yor hed bal'd lo & praying n tha holee spirit. yhoodah 1:20 But tha alwer iz cuming, and nal iz, wen tha tru wershiperz will wership tha father n spirit & truth....yochanon 4:23 vs.24, ehyeh iz spirit & thoz hoo wership him must wership him n spirit & truth. Cum let us bal daln & nill, bend tha nee befor yhoah ar mayker. Hee iz ehyeh. Theleym 95:6. Devrey hayameym 20:18-yhoshafat bal'd lo with his fayse tu tha gralnd, & all yhoodah & tha inhabatants uv yrooshalam thru themslevz daln befor yhoah tu wership yhoah. Matay 2:11- and wen they had cum intu tha halse, they sau tha yung child with meryam his muther and fel daln & wership'd him. Maasey 17:25- Nor iz hee wership'd with handz az thouh hee needed en-nee'thing. So wen yu lift up yor handz & sing untu father yhoah ehyeh, that'z na't wership, thatz prayz. Az tha ketvey "scripchur" shoz us,wen yu bal daln, nill, prastrayt, thatz wership. Pray'z iz- lifting yor voyse, handz, singing tu father yhoah ehyeh